Thanks for all the lovely comments on my 200th Blip. I've had a busy couple of days so no blips for them. I've been thinking of inspirational / interesting things to take photos of, so I've decided to share some things from my memory box.
So today the box it's self. I got give this for my 11th Birthday before I went to boarding school from my mum. It's been with me ever since and was used as a tuck box, vanity case, jewellery box, and on one occasion as hand luggage on a plane (it didn't fit in my suitcase). It's been my memory box for at least the last 4 years since my previous one (a hat box) got full, that now lives in my trunk. I've always loved to keep silly little things and have about 4 boxes of stuff that reminds me trips, events and people. Usually I go through them when I move house and laugh or cry at the different things.
This morning I worked from home while waiting for the Virgin engineer to come to fix the telephone. At 11.45 I got a call saying that they were running late and wouldn?t be with me for at least another 2 hours, was that ok. As I had to be in the office for a meeting this afternoon, I've arranged for them to come next Saturday.
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