Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


Lovely sunny day. Went for a jog and now doing my best to encourage myself with continuing to list environment labels of different kind… And they are many!!
Which to choose? Which are important and which compliment my paper in any small way…? I know I want the MSC marking, the one for sustainable fishing. That one's important to spread information about, however small the information may be. And then the EU labels… and Sweden's own eco labels…
Never heard of the UTZ label… but that one's for coffee, tea and cacao that's been produced in a sustainable way in developing countries. And the certification is also strengthening the producers in the trade.
USDA is an American label for ecologically produced food, not sure I'm needing that one…
Fairtrade is interesting, so that one has a given place… Fairtraide and UTZ are cousins, I think. But Fairtraid takes a couple of more steps with working towards a better situation for the workers, non-child labour and the workers right to organize, democracy and non-discrimination.
There's a French label EcoCert that focus on eco production in cosmetics, textiles, food and more. Not sure I need that one…
Rainforest Alliance is an interesting international certification that works for sustainable environment as well as sustainable livelihood for workers and farmers. I'm sure you've seen the little green frog on bananas, coffee, cacao and tea?
Then there'r a whole bunch about tourism… so, I have work to do!!
I feel my hair getting grayer by the minute… ;)
Oh, well, at least I'm doing something to this …paper…

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