
By pattons6

Ha ha love my days with Daddy!

I was in Daddy day care today, all day. I managed to keep an eye on him for most of the time, although I did have to keep Granny in line while daddy got his hair cut at one point. I sacrificed my nap to make sure I kept them on their toes.

We had lunch out at Marks and Spencer, don't worry Grandad, I kept the Cassidy tradition of pinky sticking up in the air while eating. I had sandwiches, yogurt and a very sweet drink, I ran around all afternoon running off the effects of my pink juice. Silly daddy obviously didn't think that one through......

We picked up more nappies today. I am very concerned that mummy and daddy know something. That's nearly 400 nappies they have bought this week. What are they going to do with all of these nappies, I don't want to think about it. Seemingly they are all for me, I mean come on, I better be potty trained before they use all of them.

I'm off to dance with the fairies. I am so tired after daddy sitting all day. Tomorrow I will have some help to keep the parents in line, my cousin Ruaridh. We will cause some mischief tomorrow.

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