a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Gelato Hot Dog (Dubious Foods #163)

I have decided there is something inherently unnerving about food that masquerades as Another Food Entirely.

I circled the gelato hot dog warily, staring it down. The hot dog stared back, unblinking. Think western-style showdown with tumbleweeds in the background.

It called my bluff, so I had no choice but to launch an assault.

Surprisingly, once you get over the shock of ‘ew, looks like a hot dog but isn’t’ it’s pretty good. Sweet finger bun, with buttercream and coconut flakes, chocolate gelato frankfurt/savaloy/whatever you choose to call it, and finished with raspberry and passionfruit sauces as faux tomato sauce and mustard.

It should be duly noted that this was one of the more conservative options available, and that I flat-out refused to try the So Wrong, It’s Right (caramel cheesecake gelato, duck fat caramel, crushed potato chips and bacon marshmallow).

Should anyone wish to peruse the other items available at the Messina tent at the Sydney Festival, click here.

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