Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Planes, Planes, And More Planes

I won't bore you with the saga of today's travel adventure other than to say that we finally made it home after a solid two days of delayed and cancelled flights and endless hours at airports. I took this at the Cincinnati airport while we were waiting for the missing pilot of the flight to show up. Don't get me started...

We got our luggage, dug the car out of the snow, drive the 50 miles home, walked in the door ... And into an icy cold house! So fast forward several hours and the emergency repair guy just left (ka-ching) and we now have heat coming out of the vents. The temp has risen from 42 to 44 F in the living room.

And the fun didn't end there... Went up to start a load of laundry and no water. Yep, the pipes in our bathroom and laundry are frozen. Honestly, if anyone has a dark hole, I'd like to crawl in and wait for the bad karma to go away!

However, tomorrow is another day...

Today's photo is yet another motion blur shot, with some fiddling. I was bored at the airport and had some fun playing with Snapseed on the iPad.

And isn't this ironic? ... last year on this day, I'd just arrived in sunny Florida where the pelicans play. From 70 last year to 7 this year.

Hope everyone has had a good Hump Day - or at least a better one than mine!

Debbi (glad to be home)

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