I hear that a lot as it is one of my “reserved words” as they say in I.T. lingo.

I was actually quite keen to actually do this but The Boss said that the lighting on this cameo didn’t really need a dog and I had already had an appearance this week and it was contrary to sec 32, para 6 of my modelling contract and anyway he had my lead in his hand and it wasn’t going to happen….so there!

I feel that this may have been in response to a blipathon held earlier
up the track when I became so besotted with the smells left by illegal freedom campers that I was not even distractible with hi quality sticks and The Boss had to come and physically separate my nose from the ground and the hole I was industrially digging. If the powers that are can ever successfully stop Freedom Campers camping under signs prohibiting them from Freedom Camping, I am going to be one disappointed dog. The smart folk in North America have known for years how to do this but we Kiwi’s are slo learners.
They put up 2 signs.
The first says “No Freedom Camping”
The second one (under the first) says “Fine $2000.00”

They have a similar plan for dogs on leads and you just NEVER see a dog off lead in these areas.

They apparently don’t put leads on Rockets. ‘Cos The Boss says it is not rocket science. Not at all sure how you would put a lead on a rocket so I may have missed something here. Sigh!

Anyway I am hoping that he will forget when we go back tomoro and I can pick up where I left off. I have the position marked on my dPhone.

Take the weight off?

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