A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Grumpy blip. The bear has been poked.

Went to bed after midnight and woke at 5am so really not my best. No reason for being awake at that time, just couldn't get properly back to sleep.

Rushed the kids out of the house and to a neighbours to take them to school so I could rush to Paddington to catch a train to Oxford. Quickly stopping to grab this shot to save us all from a selfie on the train later.

Going to a meeting I am dreading.

And my iPad isn't charged and the plug I brought with me isn't working so I can neither do the work I had planned nor read my book if I want to avoid the work.

Have been way out of balance with the kids and home this week which is kind of good for the coffers but not so great for the soul. Or for feeling like a half adequate parent. From 3pm this afternoon I shall be on a mission to spend the rest of the week putting that right.

Until then a coffee, a real live paper book and perhaps a gentle snooze will hopefully have me in a better mood by the time I reach my destination.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

Lesley x

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