
Having spent the day doing administrative tasks (i.e. my accounts), I was thinking I should get another pack of manilla folders... always useful.
It used to be very simple; there were actually two stationery shops, just five minutes' walk away. One was particularly fine, giving out receipts torn from an account book with carbon paper between the pages. The other had a beautiful collection of pens, including some of my favourite kinds, that perfectly fit my hand and writing style.

Well, now they are both coffee shops. They are the frontages either side of Noble's Bar. They may be great coffee shops, (at least they're independents) but I never go in, since they're so close and I could get a cuppa at home for no cost...

I guess all the local offices that used to keep them going are so computerised that all they would need would be a few reams of printer paper every so often.

Still, speaking of writing, I was amused to find this sentence:

We tore up your poetry to torture you

Anyone spot its unusual feature (apart from poet torturing!)?

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