2014 & Me

By FrankieB52

Expresso Yourself

Day 23...

As you know, my creativity was slipping, but I did feel it returning today. Perhaps the sunshine helped, or maybe it was the people I'd just been chatting to ~ whatever the reason, the little ray of light was there.

Took a few shots of an old church that's been for sale for ages, thought to myself well that'll do nicely. My other half then called, did I fancy meeting for a coffee, so of course I said yes.

Met at a favourite coffee shop in Perth Road (fabulously good coffee), and after we'd ordered I looked at the small blackboard left on our table, and I thought "there's my shot for today"...Just loved it.

The coffee was great, the place was buzzing, and as I looked around I knew my creativity was returning, albeit slowly...

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