Jack's art
Jack Frost
jack's brush dipped
delicate drips
drawing flourished
frosty fernlike
prism patterned
blooms iced on
panes etched frozen
reflecting weakly
pale his foe
the winter sun
Icy cold and icicles long we're gripped with cold inside and out. The inside victim is T, stricken quickly last night with all the nasty symptoms and tucked in with cat of gold nursing said cold. I still have a baby elephant sitting on my facial sinuses, but that's more annoying than debilitating.
The Saab is still in the shop, no part delivery trucks were moving much yesterday, so the repair of the throttle 'gonkulator' is taking longer than usual. The loaner is good, so all is well in the car department.
For the Record,
This day came in with frigid temps and a thick blanket of whire on everything.
All hands unhealthy to some degree.
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