Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Old fashioned watering cans


Thanks for everyone who stopped by yesterday, and said congrats.

I'm now the proud owner of a gold camera icon, and feeling chuffed that so many of you liked my blipday blip.

70 stars is my highest to date, so thanks again.

After dropping the boys off this morning, I took the wrong way home to pop into Frenchay, to blip the church.

Unfortunately the grounds are so muddy, I couldn't get the angle I wanted for the church (another day), so here is 3 of the numerous watering cans that were tucked away around the back of the church.

I counted at least 5, and unless they have 5 gardeners all on the go at once, I don't see why you need more than one!

Off to London first thing tomorrow morning, so tonight is packing, charging camera batteries and formatting memory cards.

Not been to London in a while, so it will be nice to wander with the camera.

I believe we are staying close to the shard, so perhaps I'll get a blip of that?

Let's hope it doesn't rain all weekend.

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