Rio Chama diversion and treatment plant

Awhile back, Albuquerque acquire rights to a bunch of water from some of the tributaries of the San Juan River in northern NM. It is diverted into the Rio Chama thru 26 miles of tunnels. The Rio Chama is a tributary of the Rio Grande and the Rio Grande is the reason for Albuquerque. In Albuquerque, a similar amount of what is dumped in up north is pulled out and treated to supply the city. This is part of where the water is removed from the rio.

Today, I am grateful for the day I was given, clean water that comes from a tap in my house and does not require a long walk with a jug on my head, enough water to wash me, clothes and dishes and to water plants. It is truly luxurious beyond belief.

Albuquerque Chama Water Project
Potters for Peace sustainable water filters

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