Master Mariner

By MasterMariner

Blips in Space

Every day, my blipfoto makes a journey of 40.000 kilometer through space. We are using a satellite for our communication. These satellites are hanging 20.000 kilometer above the equator. Inside the dome there is a dish sending and receiving signals from the satellite you are tuned to. If you are on high northern latitudes, the inclination of you satellite will be low, around 15 to 20 degrees above the horizon. If the direction (azimuth) is more or less the same as your ships heading and your dome is behind the mast, then you have a blocking problem. The mast is blocking the signal and your telephone and e-mail is not working anymore. This trip our satellite is in a blocking position and our heading is more or less the same for long time. We decided to move our dish one meter to starboard, providing a free horizon again. Here you see Chief Engineer Marco and Assistant Engineer Ding welding two skid beams from the center pole to the new pole on starboard. The dome can be skidded now back and forth, making sure you will not miss a blipfoto ever again.

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