Mrs Tiggywinkle Plays A Round*?

As we haven't yet solved the prickly problem of training hedgehogs to carry our golf bags, we had to push our unpowered trolleys ourselves on this afternoon's golf round. Despite the sign, this isn't some wildlife conservation initiative at the golf club; for the uninitiated, hegehog wheels have rubber spikes on that do less damage to sodden grass. No news, by the way, on the poor chap who had a heart attack on Tuesday.

Earlier, there was a good turn out at this month's Old Gits' Coffee Morning and a chance to catch up with a former colleague that I haven't seen for a while. Coincidentally, I've just noticed that exactly two years ago we were meeting at exactly the same venue and enjoying the fine view

* A good title for the first in a series of racy remakes of Beatrix Potter stories in the style of 50 Shades?

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