Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Sausage & Egg McMuffin

Mr J left his car lights on all night...car wouldn't start this morning so he decided to work from home whilst waiting for the RAC to come and get the car going again. Once he had been and gone It was advised that the car be taken for a quick drive to recharge the battery, so Mr J decided a trip to McDonalds for some breakfast was in order.

I took P to nursery this morning. Everyone came to look at little A and I was chuffed that I made it there for 10 past 8! Apart from the trip back to nursery at 1:30 to collect her, I have spent the entire day stuck on the sofa feeding A. He has been feeding nearly hourly and every time I put him down he wakes up wanting to be fed again.

At least Mr J has been here to keep me company and his mum has also been round and whizzed through so much ironing and cleaning. I love the way she just comes in and gets on with it without ever needing to be asked. This would have (and did) annoy me before but now I'm just like "yeah! Help yourself!....carry on!" ;-)

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