This is the beginning of Alexander St in Dundee, I live along the other end. Further along opposite the last multi there is a brown building with green railings. I'm round the corner, part of that building but in the old caretakers house with my own door.

Very noisy with traffic and extremely close to the Hilltown - reputedly Dundee's worst area - but I love it here and have never had any bother.


I get my shopping delivered by Asda every friday. When they left last night I'm looking at the bags thinking 'somethings wrong here'. Went thru my list and there wasn't like 1 or 2 or even 5 things missing... THERE WAS 15 ITEMS MISSING!!

Calles the call centre (in bloody South Africa - now I'm not racist but when your partially deaf and they're talking about 90 miles an hour it's very stressfull trying to understand it grrrr). The call centre then called me back to say they couldn't get thru to the Dundee Asda that night, (8pm - loada shite!) and they'd call me back today.

As promised Mr. South Africa calles back saying that they can't re-deliver till Monday. Gave up trying to get thru to him that it was no good on Monday and I hung up.

I called the store direct and delt with a very nice man called Joe, who said I'd have my shopping within the our...


As promised my shopping came 45 mins later... MINUS 2 ITEMS...

*&%@#/ #@*&%" @#~*%!!


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