Handy blip props
A long, long day. Or perhaps a short day? Yesterday ended for me at about 3.30am when I finally admitted to myself that Mr B would unlikely to be in a fit state for our early morning drive to the airport, so I'd better try for a couple of hours sleep so I could do the driving.
Lovely evening with our friends, and J's mam and dad who were over. Somehow when we get together we seem to collectively lose all sense, willpower and awareness of time. Great night though, with just the right amount of shouting and daftness.
The morning was not so much fun. An hour's drive through twisty mountain roads in fog and semi-darkness in a car I'm not used to, and on the wrong side of the road was not my idea of fun. Still, we somehow ended up safely at the airport, and then safely back home. (After the combined delights of hyperactive 4 year old and vomiting 8 year old on the plane, with Mr B - who had loaded them both up with chocolate biscuits - snored happily across the aisle.)
Great to be home. Conor asked for his dinner at 2pm today. When I said it was just after lunch time, he looked very confused and said "But it's dark, it must be dinner time." No dear, that's just Scotland in winter. Dark, wet and chilly it may be, but Scotland is home.
The picture is a bunch of hands. I'm not convinced I like these casts of kid's hands that people make - they seem a bit creepy somehow. But K was given a load of plaster of paris, so over the years we've made a few. Left to right we have: Conor's friend a few weeks ago, Conor ditto, Katherine from a few years ago and Conor ditto. Something bad has happened to the varnish between times, as it's peeling off the new ones.
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