My Best Efforts - Year 3


Hard to know what to say ....

....... I spoke to Mum on the phone this morning.

It seems that a doctor has been to see her today and told her that there will be no operation at all and that they have decided that the problem is a combination of old age and the fact that she had a double hip replacement 15 years ago and

"these things can happen"

- how bloody infuriating!
She does have Spinal Stenosis but they say an op will not help!!!!!

"Take a paracetomol for any discomfort Mrs C!!"

It also makes me wonder if they are just taking the easy way out .... they are "prescribing" physiotherapy only.

We are definitely not giving up and will both try to work out ways around the immediate problems and issues .... (neither have we completely given up on the Oregon trip either) .... they are not talking about her leaving hospital yet, thank goodness (she lives alone) but I can't see that they will be keeping her in that much longer either ...... I also want to speak to the doctor myself ....

The feeling of powerlessness from yesterday has increased today.

Now I am lost for words that are not expletives!

A very cross Anni aka BikerBear here reporting for Alma.

Journal entry for 24 January 2013 re-photographed from my computer screen for today.

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