Dartmoor Inversion

Today has been a day of misty recessions, some of the recessions have been so deep you can't see a hand in front of your face. This afternoon Marian went off with our visitors so as the mist faded, I popped out for a look at what's happening out in the landscape world. As I went along the golf course road I could see the peaks of Dartmoor above the cloud but I couldn't find a place where I could get a shot. I had a wander round on the heath and took a few shots, then as I drove away I got another view and after trekking across a bit of heathland I managed to get this, which is what I was after in the first place.

I'm sorry that I'm getting a bit behind with your journals but I'll do my best to catch up soon.

JohnGravett says it has to be viewed LARGE


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