Wholesome Poulsom

By Mrs77

Happy pirate

So a super busy day today, baby S's passport application finally in, a catch up with friends for coffee and cake and then my first attempt to take baby S in the buggy on the bus as we were off to buggy bootcamp.

It was not a very auspicious start as I managed to get the front wheels of the buggy jammed between the bus and pavement when leaving and had to wrestle it clear with the help of a kind man. Then a quick yomp down to Inverleith park and catch up with other boot campers before off we went. it started off with a gentle jog and unfortunately baby S immediately started howling. I ended up having to do an al fresco nappy change in the middle of the park, not nice for the wee man to have all his clothes wheaked off and changed but necessary. I think he must have got quite cold and never warmed up as he complained bitterly for the whole session. A shame as I was quite looking forward to the prospect of some exercise and meeting other like minded mothers, however I will get him all bundled up and try again next week....

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