An Obsessive Photographer

By MadDogGiraffe

Racing Snail

I spotted a snail climbing up the outside of our house and have been meaning to do this shot for a while.

I first used a metal ruler for it to run along but it did not like the metal very much, must have had a small amount of copper in it. I swapped it for a drawing board square mage from acrylic, this seemed ok. After 10 mins of getting the snail tempted to want to follow the lettuce, I managed to get it to slither in a straight line towards the lettuce consistently.

This shot with a 50 second exposure in very low white LED lighting with a flash burst at the very end of the exposure to freeze the snail and bring out the details.

Obviously I added the number 5 in Photoshop just for fun. Might try this again in a better environment and with more training;I recon I can get quit a good shot with practice. Might even use two snails and some Scalextric track.

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