Stuff I've Seen & That

By trevtrev72


Will is in London.

Tom Paul Lou and I rose to the occasion and went to the sane pub we ended up at last week. Almost definitely just to get a seat which didn't happen for a few hours.

Had a placement interview postponed, finished the first draft of a leaflet and stayed a bit later to make a pears ration that bit easier cone Monday.

I'm blipping from the train. Earlier on the tube I spoke to a French guy when I dropped money and he told me it didn't work if you tried to plant it, which I found funny. He then thought I was Scottish, or maybe northern Irish and had been to Belfast, then we were at my stop. Shame, he seemed nice.

Placement and chatting tonight has made me realise how much I want to be somewhere suited to me, doing exciting work. I'll put it in the to do list.

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