Journey Through Time

By Sue

American Bittern

Another gorgeous blue sky day and we went to Ridgefield NWR to see what we could see. This was the first time Bill has seen the American Bittern, and he was amazed at how they blended in with the grasses so well and at their wonderful green legs and feet. We also so an egret, lots of herons, several falcons or hawks, the eagle sitting in it's tree at the edge of the refuge, the swans and a pair of Gadwall ducks. The Hooded Mergansers were paddling around, pretty much out of decent camera range for me. There were a lot of cars there today as other folks were taking advantage of the weather. Rain is supposed to head our way eventually, so best to enjoy these dry days while we can.

A trip to the grocery for me, and now it's nearing 5 and getting dark, although with no clouds, the twilight is lingering a bit. A lovely day.

See ya later, my friends

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