
we nightplayed in cold parks. winds moved themselves around the stripped trees like riverstones. the dead winds died, rotations were ceasing. things that were locked became unlocked.

cancel all that.


technical question: anyone else processing with a Retina display/Lightroom and then think their images look like total ass after upload? something is lost between then and now, and this happens across all the browsers I've tried. Quality is shit once it's up (I know 'sharpness' and 'clarity' don't work so hot here, so I bring those way down for Blip, which is too bad that I have to export twice: one for computer viewing/printing and then one for Blip viewing). Just a matter of things getting compressed for web usage, or...? When I upload the occasional set to my Flickr, they look just as they did on my computer, which is great. Here, not so much. Curious as to your thoughts, friends, or if anyone else has this issue. I've never heard anyone mention anything, so maybe it's just my export methods. I know full-frame shooters, their stuff always looks awesome on here and I can always tell somehow. I don't know, it's just frustrating to spent a good twenty or thirty minutes going through and processing shots and have them take on a total different face, meaning, dynamic once they get here. Okay, rant over.

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