
By DaveH


...for the laziness of this blip!
Didn't get an end-of-summertime lie-in today, as M was off to spend a jolly week marking exam papers in Walton Hall. I'm slightly worried about her driving all that way with her sore ankle (though it has healed quite well).
Don't even have to cook tonight, as I'm having leftovers (a delicious stew) and the weather has been very grey and windy, so I didn't really go out of the house.

Wondering which obligatory blips I'd missed.
Kitten (check)
Sunflower (check)
Large wild bird (check)
Cute small children (check)
Ingredients for meal (check)

Still got to do me eyeball, a bulb of garlic and an SP (never going to happen!)
Tonight is a twofer: my feet and a couple of shelves-worth of the music collection.

Actually, it wasn't very comfortable, since the shelves are quite high up. The model boat is of the Swan, which Parsfan and I sailed to the Faroes in ;) The statue of the wee man is an award that M won in 2000 :D
Dave is wearing socks by Tiso and breeks by M&S.

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