Cuchara Vida

By CucharaVida

Leaving Do/Reunion

A pleasant and more relaxing day in the office today (yesterday was a bit hectic) which was made all the better by finally winning a singles table football match and getting on the leader board. I had instant noodles for lunch, bought just down the road from a Korea/Japanese shop. I love being on Mill Road, Cambridge. I feel a photo project coming on...

Straight after work I walked all of 1 minute to get to possibly my most favourite pub in the world (well, at least joint first) to meet my ex colleagues for a delayed leaving do/reunion. We had a lovely time chatting, drinking and then we went to eat a massive amount of curry at the Curry Queen. I am pleased to report the food was good.

The cycle home in the rain wasn't so enjoyable. Being with the Mrs again (and bump) was. :-D

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