My first computer - Camputers Lynx 48K

I was weened onto home computers initially by begging time on other people's machines. I programmed in BASIC on a RM380Z at school and built an Acorn Atom for a friend. Then finally in 1983 when I started working part-time on weekends in Laskys I managed to scrimp up enough to buy this. Of course, I couldn't afford an Apple or a BBC Micro but this fitted the bill as I was learning Z80 assembler at college.

It was a fun machine to program, although in those days we had to perform various tricks to speed up the code as the machine was crawlingly slow. This image took about 20 minutes to draw and a simple Mandelbrot set could take 24 hours. It was superseded by an Atari 400 and then by the superb Atari XL both of which have long since gone their way.

Anyway - I dragged this out today for a last play and photographing for eBay. I wonder what it will fetch?

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