Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Last light

I had intended doing some shots in Coventry this afternoon, but, while I was doing a job for Jamie at his digs the heavens opened - rain, hail, thunder, lightening. Apocalyptic it was. So, I decided that it probably wasn't worth getting drenched (I hadn't gone equipped for wet weather at all).

Instead I finished the job - this included a new padlock to lock up a couple of bikes. We got the new lock off the card, opened it with it's default combination, changed the combination, closed it, and, eh presto - The damned thing would't open again.
This is a 4 cylinder lock - 10,000 combinations. Neither the new nor the default ones worked. Only 9,998 left to try. Doh!

We tried a few, but got nowhere. It was still raining so I set off home disappointed. Half way back, the clouds parted and the sun came out just in time for a couple of shots from the side of the road. Compared to some I suspect we are fortunate, but still, some roads are awash in places. The fields are just as bad.

At least I managed an atmospheric shot.
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