All that jazz

By frankbrett

Future celebration

I am an occasional customer of a wine merchants in the town - a specialist Italian wine importer (but they do other stuff as well). They are moving premises this weekend (to the former Prison at Ashwell - now re-badged as 'Oakham Enterprise Park' :) ) and selling some stock off at knock down prices. As we just happened to be passing on a dog-walk, I popped in. I only bought 8 bottles...

These two half-bottles of bubbly will get opened at some appropriate point in the year. They are also the subject of my first try at focus-stacking. Focus Stacking is not a supplied feature of Photoshop Elements but some kind American has developed an add-on to do the job. Seems to work!

The timing of that visit wasn't the best by the way as we then got caught in a thunderstorm on the way home (especially as I stayed longer to help them move some wood back inside out of the impending rain).We were soaked and hailed on. No gain without pain!

Went back in the car to collect the bottles later in case you were wondering.

Leo's second birthday party in Cambridge tomorrow. Jelly and ice-cream I hope.

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