Exit stage left

By NessD


Finally made it home after a ridiculously early start. Strangely, Shepherds Bush to the hospital on public transport takes about the same time as by car from Winchester. Long hydro session, beautiful meal on Garratt Lane, snarly traffic across London, pick up my suitcase, quick game of Wii and then home :-).

To find that my bike had multiplied while I've been away. Apparently I signed up to do a 50 mile bike ride in March while I was away. And apparently I wasn't going to manage that on my current bike so I came home to a new bike, cleats and cycling shoes. To be fair, my current bike is a single speed so gears would probably help but I think my lack of fitness will be a bigger hindrance! So, weather permitting, tomorrow I shall be trying to get to grips with gears and clipping in at the same time. I suspect the chances of me ending up toppling over are pretty high.


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