Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Rock Star Red

A cold and snowy day, perfect for staying indoors curled up with the cats and hubs...and Big Daddy. Took this through the window, too lazy and wimpy to venture out for more than longer than it took to refill the feeders.

Also, the last week has taken a bite out of my energy reserves and I desperately needed a day to sleep and rest and have QUIET. One of the permanent after effects of brain surgery (for me) has been that I get fatigued fairly easily, especially in situations where there is a lot of noise/motion. Usually, I can manage it fairly well and take time out to recharge: however, that just wasn't possible this week. So I slept quite a bit today. And when I wasn't sleeping, I was taking pictures through the windows.

The Bistro was FRO today (Flying Room Only). In addition to the usual suspects, there was also a contingent of grackles, some cowbirds and a random group of Starlings. My little yell0w-bellied sapsucker spent almost the entire day eating shelled peanuts, clinging stoically to the feeder as chaos rained around him. I was sorely tempted to blip him, or the frat-party of starlings all clustered in the bird bath, but I decided to go with the beautiful cardinal instead.

I think that the cardinal is one of the most stunning of our birds in North America, and I never tire of seeing the dazzling dash of red as they dart through the yard. Of course, in the winter, they are particularly dramatic against the drab landscape. The female of the species is also a beauty with her more orange plumage. Anyway, I posted my 7 runner-up shots starting HERE on Flickr, including the lovely Mrs. Cardinal.

Tomorrow I am going to venture out into the sub-freezing temps with a friend to go birding about an hour south of here. Rumor has it that there are around 10,000 snow geese in the area...

Last year's osprey with a tasty treat

Thank you so very much for the hearts, stars and comments on yesterday's fluffy junco - glad you found him as cute as I did!

Happy Saturday...


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