
By DancingAly

Lazy Saturday

I do love my bed! Unfortunately, my body woke me up at 7:30 this morning. I guess it was going for consistency after the working week- how thoughtful :-)

Nothing very exciting to report today. Laundry this morning then Sainsbury's online delivery. I was going to have a mooch about the shops this afternoon (ie, to get all the bits that were unavailable online-grr!) but the rain started pouring and it was suddenly wild and windy, so gave it a miss and had canapes on the sofa instead!

Staying in tonight, and what do you know, I'm actually very sad about it! The guy I've been seeing already had plans tonight, and although I really wanted to see him, it's a big turn off to come across as desperate! It looks like our next date will be next weekend, which seems so far away! How pathetic am I?

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