Marc's Photo-a-Day 2014

By marc2014

On the street

This was a photo opportunity I missed, a few days ago. I like the lines and perspective, and a couple of days ago it was really nicely lit in the grey morning, and I confess at that time I didn't stop. The next day I passed by later in the day and the lighting wasn't as nice, so this morning I was determined to stop and take a photo.

I do love the perspective of lines in photos, so these types of constructions always provide a great opportunity. They're a common sight in London - when buildings are being renovated the footpaths are often covered with these types of protective barriers, and often lit, which look great in the morning light.

I feel bad that I missed the opportunity a couple of days ago, but glad that I got to revisit it this morning.

Again it's within a few minutes of my door here in London, maybe it's true about that's where the most accidents occur - close to home.

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