Trusty Tramping Team

Yesterday's back blip here - Whisky falls.

Before we set off into the rain.

Yes, it rained. And rained. And rained!

A (in the middle) had to head back out the way we had come, as she had to get home a lot faster than the other A (on the right) and I.

A (on the right) and I headed out into the rain, worried at how the river crossing might be - we weren't fancying the additional 3 hours of walking if we couldn't ford it. Fortunately for us the river was fine - and we easily crossed both arms with it only up to our knees. Mind you, our feet and legs were blue by the time we finally got out of the water. It snowed upriver just 2 days ago so that was a fair bit of snow melt that we were wading through.

We stopped at Lakehead Hut for a brew and to put dry footwear on, then slogged off into the rain. And it sure did rain. I don't think I've ever been so wet! Not marvellous while you're walking it, but feels great when you finish and you know you achieved it.

Off for a well earned hot bath now. **bliss*

Yesterday's back blip here - Whisky falls.

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