
By SoozieSoo78


Usually I love big cities. I like visiting quiet towns and the countryside but I love to be in a big city. Cambodia is the total opposite for me. I just love being in the small quiet places and getting out and about into the countryside.

The people are so lovely and smiley and always wave and say hello. It's so nice. You pass all these houses built up on stilts and all the locals are either working on their land or snoozing in hammocks.

We hired a couple of bikes and cycled through the country to the view point where you can sometimes see the rare river dolphins. We saw lots of them. Or maybe the same ones going round in circles! It was amazing. They reckon there are only about 70 or 80 of them left in the wild but they can be quite easy to see in the dry season which is ace as we saw lots of them.

No good pictures though. Just the usual splashes where the dolphins were! So I gave up and just enjoyed watching them without my camera.

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