
The weather forecast was dreadful, so we decided to go to a museum or two. The rain lashed down on the bus as we headed up to Chambers St, beginning in the museum with the Kabuki exhibition. Then on to the NLS to see a small but delightful display of Burns' writings and subsequently to the City Art Centre to look at a small, slightly curious, exhibition about Leith. Finally we limped through the National Gallery, taking in Allan Ramsay's drawings and Rodin's The Kiss amongst many others.

In the evening we went for an excellent Burns supper at the Vintage, supplying our own songs and poems later at home.

We saw many amazing and beautiful things during our day out, but since I had left mine at home (doh!), I just had to borrow Mr H's camera to snap this display board that we passed in the museum. It shows the Syrians having a bad time of it, approximately three and a half thousand years ago. Plus ca change....

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