Staying in bed weather!

I've noticed previously on blip, that some people comment that they've done a 'lazy' blip; from the doorstep or out the car window.

This must be the winner though; taken from the comfort and warmth of my cosy bed!

Mr A brought me coffee & toast in bed and we say and chatted about stuff before reluctantly getting up.

The view from my window is usually much nicer than this; through the tree line I can see over Oak Hill Park and right over Accrington up to the Coppice.
I will make a conscious effort to blip again in summer.

*Darnell news*
He seems livelier this morning; he literally kicked up a fuss at his water change, I thought he might hop off somewhere! His belly is still swollen and though I'm tempted to try and feed him, I will follow advice and leave him a couple more days.
We debated putting him back in the main tank, but now it's all clean I don't want to risk polluting the water with anything Darnell may have.
The main tank is fine now, PH is back to normal and I will try Joy with the new frog food later today

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