St Michael and the dragon

The statue of St. Michael after he has slain the dragon that is featured in the narthex of our parish church. The parish is named St. Michael and All Angels. I have belonged to two different parishes with this name in my life, both very special places (Studio City, California and Albuquerque, New Mexico). This is more homework for my night photography class. The picture was taken at twilight.

Today, I am grateful for the day I was given, the parish I belong to, the baby and her mother, and the time I get to spend with them.

About the sculpture: ... was the dramatic carved wooden statue of St. Michael the warrior defeating Satan, donated in the 1980's in memory of John Ault LeCompte, killed in Vietnam.
From: Humble Beginnings and Bountiful Gifts
Highlights of a Half-Century
St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
Diocese of the Rio Grande

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