
I had a swim this morning then went along to Judy's to help with the packing up of the house. Tuesday is the big moving day and when she heads off to live in The Lakes. I emptied and cleaned out her kitchen cupboards.

This is a pic of my new orchid given to me by Debbie at my leaving do. In fact she handed it to me and said that it was a clue to what she had bought me...and that I had to keep 26th July free. Well for the life of me I couldn't think what it was...everyone else clicked before me. It was only when Joanne said to think Cheshire that I realised it was Tatton Flower Show...Yippee!!!!! Thanks Debbie :)

I am now in bed as I feel ill. Yesterday I kept feeling very dizzy throughout the day and had a headache but it passed, fortunately, so that I could go out and celebrate Burns Night. This afternoon I felt off again..I'm hoping a very early night will help me sleep it off.

I know I am very behind on replying to comments and looking at journals but hopefully I can catch up with them tomorrow.

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