
By Haphazard


Feeling a bit yuk and today but travelled by bus to the course session. We visited an exhibition, 'Life Less Ordinary' and then discussed our projects.

The exhibition of works by South African photographers and installation artists took me back to earlier student days when 'Cry Freedom' was released. We watched it with horror and outrage.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu came to preach around the same time. He's short, he whispered but his message was LOUD and CLEAR. He spoke of people who prayed regulary, privately, around the world and after each anecdote, he repeated his punch line, 'What hope has the South African government got against that?' Each time he said it, a wide flash of a grin followed.

I guess it was 1988. There was excitment in the air, things were changing.

The younger students on the course today were born after Nelson Mandela was released. They told me that apartheid was a subject of their history lessons or for some, a new word, a mystery. Frightening.

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