Ice Castle Waterfalls

Tonight we finally made it to the Ice Castle at Loon Mountain.
It was our "Christmas Party" for the salon. We decided to go after the holidays, when it wasn't so hectic. Seven of us went.
We went out to eat first and had a wonderful meal. Then, we all bundled up, and drove a short way to the amazing display of ice. Icicles hanging everywhere, with changing colors imbedded into the ice, created a magical atmosphere.
It was like a maze, following the path in and out of walls of ice. There were several beautiful waterfalls that flowed, with changing colors. There was even a tunnel carved out of the ice wall that you could slide through. A few of the girls did slide through it, kind of yelping along the way! It was so cold!
The temperature tonight was about 8 degrees outside, but I'm sure within the ice castle, it was much colder!
We all had a wonderful time, but as soon as we went through the last "ice room", we bolted to the car! Invigorating!

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