
By Yeda

Rare Treasures

Went to visit the chiropractor today for a back ache. Turns out he is adamant that I have Lyme Disease. This really stupefied me as I didn't think I had any symptoms. However, 50% of people who come down with this don't display symptoms. He did find a rash on the back of my neck, which supposedly is one common sign. I didn't even know it was there. So, next step is to get some blood work done and see a specialist. He also told me it can be transmitted by bodily fluids, so my whole family is at risk. Another thing: apparently not just ticks can transmit this. Mosquitoes, mice, bugs, and other animals can transmit it too. You learn something every day.

So after the appointment, I stopped into an old book store, The Book Barn, which the building is ancient. This stone barn has five floors of used rare books. I found some keepers: Selected Poems by Walt Whitman and Walden by Henry David Thoreau. Published in 1942 by Classics Club.

Should calm my nerves at the end of the day.

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