Someone else’s snowdrops!

I did a repair job for a friend / neighbour this morning. It was almost a replica of this blip last year, but the inner covers were not in such a bad state this time, so I managed to do two cushions. Our only hiccup was the zip on the outer cover. It got stuck on a little bit of feather and wouldn’t budge. We tried all the tricks and then I decided that brute force would either release it or break the zip!! It sorted it out and saved a lot of extra work!!

The reward for my work will be a coffee and walnut cake next weekend and the opportunity to blip her snowdrops!! Ours are still at a “baby” stage!!

Afternoon: Washing the clothes I wore this morning to get rid of all the feathers, a session on the boxes for furniture restoration class tonight, sharing the data on line following the bid watch yesterday and some preparation for a committee meeting on Thursday evening…….plus…plus….plus !!!

All go…..!!!

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