
By IntothewildMan

Cat's whiskers

I couldn't resist salvaging this scrap of paper from my daughter J'a bedroom floor and pinning it up in the kitchen.
For twenty years we have been camping, once or twice a year, with a large group of friends. Our children have grown up together, and many of them now in their later teens and twenties like to camp in a small circle or cluster of their own. Given the shortage of Broadband facilities, electricity and screens on a country field, the young folk (like the rest of us) are thrown back on their own resources and capacity for invention when it comes to entertainment. They rarely seem to get bored though. On the odd occasion a parent or two has been called upon to intervene diplomatically in order to encourage moderation and commonsense when it comes to issues such as alcohol. But most of the time, our fast-growing-up children have become pretty good at looking after each other while having fun.
The note is part of a game. One of the elder boys set assignments for all of the others to carry out over a summer weekend, without getting caught in the act.

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