Hop a long

Had a great long walk this morning with two friends and one other dog, Oscar.

Oscar & Logan are great buddies, Oscar recognised our house when they arrived and pushed his way out of the car in order to get to his mate, he then spent most of the walk along the river watching as Logan waded into the Ruhr time and time again, but sensibly not going in himself - a good job seeing as his owner told him in no uncertain terms that he'd have to run behind the car if he was wet!

Little miss bossy had a school trip today, to an exhibition called "Körperwelten" with their biology teacher, the most shocking thing to her was that most of the figures weren't behind glass.
"We could touch them." she exclaimed.
"Were you allowed to?" I asked.
"Well, no, 'cos the people wouldn't let us."
12 year old logic, go figure.

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