bucks life

By bucksmiss


Work - same old and at least fairly productive. Head shrink - interesting, frantic, thought provoking. Good session.

Actually got the tax stuff to the accountant today. Phew. Nick of time.

With a week with the house to myself it was straight into pjs when I got home then relaxing with telly and planning next weekend when I've got two old school friends coming to stay. We all met aged 10, 34 years ago and are still close. I value these long term friendships so much. You can be yourself with them. They know you well and make allowances for flaws and weaknesses and support so well in the bad times. I do the same for them. That's how it should be.... We're heading to an old school lunch reunion on Saturday and will then have a cosy, boozy girls' night in at mine after, maybe even with an Indian takeaway. Can't wait.

One of them got a new 7 month old rescue Doberman cross dog (bitch) (Dolly) for the family home yesterday. Dolly appears to be ok with the whole family except my friend. She (Dolly!) cowers whenever my friend approaches or tries to take her for a walk. My friend has never owned a dog before and is not really a 'dog' person. Her husband has and is. Are there any ideas as to how she can build trust with Dolly from those dog owning blippers out there? (I suggested she ignore Dolly for a while and see how it goes then do dog training classes too.)

Oh yes, my blip. It's of the demolition of an former '60s school building monstrosity to reveal .... the 2012 neo classical monstrosity that's been built behind it. It's round the corner from my office and I've been wondering when the old building would come down. I can't help thinking the new building is someone's vanity project. Some architects and landowners have zero taste or imagination. Just think what an interesting building the same money could have built...

Now I've got that off my chest, Happy Monday blippers!

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