a town called E.

By Eej

Me-Monday - The Icicle Edition

The plan was to weigh myself today. I did so last week but I didn't want the result to be digestively and hormonally influenced so I decided I'd do it again today. If I'm totally honest (and if I can't be honest to myself, I've lost the point completely) I wanted to be able to say I didn't gain anything in the last 3 months.
As it stands, I gained 3 lbs.
Which is still rather remarkable, all things considered.

I've always been told that a diet is forever, and I've always felt that by saying so you are setting people up for failure. Who wants to count calories/watch every bite/be dependent on your scale/always have to say no to a bit of chocolate? Well, maybe some people can and want to - but it has most definitely never worked long-term for me.
Balance. Eat what you need, exercise as mush as you want :)
I've been trying to do that and I will do better, but there's no need to kick myself; I'm not doing too badly.

Also; my Zumba instructor needs a big pat on the back because there is no way I could have shovelled as much snow as I had to do if if wasn't for her :)

Secondly; I have the day off tomorrow because the weather is just too, too crazy for anyone to be out in it. And this is Michigan; we're hardy folks up here.

Me-Monday week 3

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