
By dunelmian77

Derelict? Nope, that's part of Scottish Parliament

I was down at Parliament for a meeting with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing today.

On the way back up to St Andrew's House afterwards I looked at this part of the Parliament - I'd never noticed the set back windows before that make it look a little like an abandoned and derelict house. I'm pretty sure that's not the effect Enric Miralles was intending though...

Went for a run after work, did the longest I've done so far this year - full circuit of Arthur's Seat from SAH, back to SAH to collect my bag of clothes then all the way home.

I'm not a big fan of reality tv but I'm sitting hooked on The Jump on C4, which is really putting me in the mood for my couple of days' skiing next week! :-)

Today's run: 7 miles
January total: 16 miles

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