A moment in time

Grace wanted a hair slide in this morning. This is momentous. She hates anything in her hair. I took a photo. The slide was out about five seconds later. Oh well.
Nice day. Morning was a bit frustrating as I battled to set up our new wireless printer (got there in the end!) and did some preschool admin. This afternoon we had play date for Arwen at a friend's place, which was great. The babies are getting so much bigger and busier. After school pick up we had company for tea and a play date for the bigger girls to enjoy. Also a chance for their mum and me to catch up over a chilli and then sticky toffee pud. Very pleasant indeed. Grace then ended the day at her Beavers troupe meeting, where they learned about Australia and she even played a bit of cricket. She earned her very first badge. Well done Grace!

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