
By tearaway

this is from the other week. i think it has poured down solidly since then.

i haven't blipped properly for over a week. haven't known what to say and didn't feel much like taking photos.

we found out last week that the bowel cancer my dad had last year has probably come back, this time with a growth on his brain. we don't know for certain, but that's the most likely cause.

it's all a bit surreal. we are a very close family, and my dad is a wonderful person. we've never had to deal with anything like this before. dad is coping with it amazingly well, being very open and honest with everyone, and just carrying on as normal really. he'll find out what treatment is ahead of him next week.

i wasn't sure whether to share this here or not. i spoke to dad and he said if i thought it would help me then it's fine with him.

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